Bournemouth seems like a really nice place! There are a lot of older people, [and] it's also a University town so there's a lot of younger ones too. Elder Beardall has been here for 6 weeks. There are a lot of things I'm excited for! There's a Young single adult center here and a husband/wife missionary couple running it. They're cool, they taught a girl who got baptised on Saturday and they're working with a few more people. They said they want us to get in there and help teach them so that'll be good. The guy, Elder Hamblin built the KFC in Spanish Fork! I think he was a building manager or something. The members here are awesome, I'm excited to work with them. The only bad thing about here is that I don't have much time for emailing. :/ And the library computers don't let you plug in any cameras or anything. :/! But I think we can use a computer at the chapel to send pictures later