Elder Boothe on the Coast of Eastbourne

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thanksgiving week! November 21, 2011

Picture 1- Me bowling!

Picture 2- District picture.
Picture 3- A dove on an old church. Not the best picture,
but it was cool to capture it in mid-takeoff (or mid landing, I don't remember).
This is Thanksgiving week! I'm very excited for it, for many reasons. 1. Thanksgiving. 2. We found a few really cool people this last week who we're going to go teach this week. 3. Hannah is still really enjoying the gospel and she's still preparing for baptism.

And I'm sure there are other reasons too, but I can't think of them right now. The weather should cool down a lot more this week. Emphasis on should, but who knows what really will happen. I'm doing good right now, I can't really think of much to write about this last week. It was just a good one. Oh, one thing that happened is that we went knocking with a member, and at one of the first doors we knocked on was this guy on crutches around our age, and he said to the member "Hey, I remember you. You opened the door for me in town a few days ago." So that was cool to see this member's good deed also helped with missionary work! The guy said that he actually is interested in these things, so we're seeing him this week. Anyway, I guess I'll leave it at that. But let me know what you want me to write in here now, because I'm all out of ideas. :D 

Okay, write to you next week, bye!