Picture 1- A good cheesy profile shot, haha.
Picture 2- Me as a pope or someone.
Picture 3- Playing baseball with a member on P-day.
Hello! This has been a good week! We had an exchange with the missionaries in Guildford, and that was really good. We had a good Wednesday and met lots of really nice people that we're going to go back and see (hopefully) on Thursday. We have started teaching a lady named Shanetta and her husband. They seem really cool and interested, and they are willing to read the Book of Mormon so that's a plus. They're busy, so we'll be teaching them over a period of time.
I'm excited for this week because we have a Zone Conference tomorrow and that will be really good. We're also getting more chances to go to member's houses and share a message with them and it's really helping them. There are a few now who have given out 'Book of Mormon'-s to their friends, so that's cool to see. I'm also really excited for General Conference, and we're showing it at our chapel so it should be easier to have people come and see it.
Umm, I think that's all I got, actually. September went by way too quickly. We had someone tell us that England is expecting some snow sometime in October (which is strange for them), so we'll see if that happens.
Talk to you next week, bye!