Picture 1- You could only see the rain when it was in this slot of sunlight, but it didn't really work on the camera. Cool picture though.
Picture 2- A Rainbow that must have been imaginary, but it's a cool picture too.
Hello! The last few days have been interesting. We had someone stop us on the street and ask if I was new. I said yes, wondering how she knew because she wasn't a member. Then she warned me about Aldershot being a dangerous place and to be careful. Then she just ran away. Elder Kendell then told me that in the 6 months he'd been here he hadn't really seen anything dodgy. Then, over the next 3 days, we saw two fights. :O I don't think Aldershot is usually that dangerous, it was just weird that that happened after a random stranger warned me about it.
But other than that, it's been great! :D The ward here is pretty big, about 130 on Sunday, with lots of young people and nursery. I'm not used to that, since neither Eastbourne or Brixton had a lot of active youth and children. So it's a pretty well established ward. We had 3 investigators come to church, one of whom is preparing for baptism in late September. Another (South African) investigator got up and bore her testimony that she could feel the Spirit very strongly in the meetings. So things are happening here, and it's exciting. I think it will be a really good transfer! Oh yeah, Elder Keck, my MTC companion is now my Zone leader, so that should be cool too. I'll get to see him every week, along with a few other people I already know. So yes, I'm very happy, and hope you all are. Talk to you next week, bye!