Elder Boothe on the Coast of Eastbourne

Monday, August 22, 2011


Hi, not much to say this week. (Mostly because I forgot to write this email until when I don't have much time left. :/) I'm doing good. The missionary work is going good. I'll tell one story. We met a man who trained horses and also was a fitness instructor. He was 69 years old, and he was very fit. He showed us a muscle trick called Abdominal Isolation. He sucked in his stomach a LOT, then he somehow pushed out just his abs. Then he would alternate pressing out his left abs and right abs! It looked like something out of an alien movie or something, it was so weird! Sadly, he wasn't interested in the gospel, but he was a very nice man.

Well, that's too weird of a story for it to be the only thing I say, so I'll say something else that's a bit more meaningful. :) The Sacrament meeting yesterday was really really good. The youth of the ward had just got back from either camps or efy, and they bore such plain powerful testimonies and were so down-to-earth about it. I could feel the Spirit during it and thought it was so cool to see the youth of the ward and see where they are, rather than on the streets rioting.

Anyway, it was a good week, I'll talk next week, hopefully something exciting. Bye!

Monday, August 15, 2011

August in Aldershot

No Pictures this week. :(
Hello! This week was a very full week! On Tuesday and Wednesday we did an online training type of thing on Family history and also stress management. So that was really good and interesting, especially we were one of only 3 missions in the world to test it out. So when that goes to all the missions I think they could really help!
We had a lot of good things happen this week, but I don't have time to write about any (plus I can't really think of any off the top of my head because I just want to go out and have P-day fun!) because only one of the computers is working so we have to take quick turns. :/
But it's been a very good week, and I'm doing great! I feel more ready to face this week and am going to try and take every day as a whole new chance to do something awesome! So hopefully that works. :) Okay, sorry for the short email, bye!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Fwd: Aldershot

Picture 1- You could only see the rain when it was in this slot of sunlight, but it didn't really work on the camera. Cool picture though.
Picture 2- A Rainbow that must have been imaginary, but it's a cool picture too.
Hello! The last few days have been interesting. We had someone stop us on the street and ask if I was new. I said yes, wondering how she knew because she wasn't a member. Then she warned me about Aldershot being a dangerous place and to be careful. Then she just ran away. Elder Kendell then told me that in the 6 months he'd been here he hadn't really seen anything dodgy. Then, over the next 3 days, we saw two fights. :O  I don't think Aldershot is usually that dangerous, it was just weird that that happened after a random stranger warned me about it.

But other than that, it's been great! :D The ward here is pretty big, about 130 on Sunday, with lots of young people and nursery. I'm not used to that, since neither Eastbourne or Brixton had a lot of active youth and children. So it's a pretty well established ward. We had 3 investigators come to church, one of whom is preparing for baptism in late September. Another (South African) investigator got up and bore her testimony that she could feel the Spirit very strongly in the meetings. So things are happening here, and it's exciting. I think it will be a really good transfer! Oh yeah, Elder Keck, my MTC companion is now my Zone leader, so that should be cool too. I'll get to see him every week, along with a few other people I already know. So yes, I'm very happy, and hope you all are. Talk to you next week, bye!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Eastbourne Era is Over!

Picture 1- Me happily drinking a Milkshake.
Picture 2- Me and Elder Kendell.
I have left Eastbourne and moved to a place caller Aldershot! It's sort of southwest of London. I'm serving with Elder Kendell from Idaho, who came into the MTC the same time as I did. We live with a member here too, named Ann. She seems nice, so that's a good sign. She sounds like she's very strict when it comes to cleaning, so I'll probably moan about that in a few weeks time. :D Anyway, I'm excited to have left Eastbourne even though I will miss it. I needed a change and something new and fresh and exciting going on, so I'm glad I could have that. I don't know any of the members here yet, seeing as I got here today, but I will update on Monday.

My new address is:
12 Upper Elms Road
Aldershot, Hampshire
GU11 3ET

Um, that's about it. Elder Tomlinson is staying in Eastbourne and he is getting Elder Lamb (Richard Lamb's nephew, I think. There are multiple Elder Lamb/Lam's in the mission right now.) so that will be good.

Anyways, that's about all I got. Talk to you on Monday! Bye!