Hi, not much to say this week. (Mostly because I forgot to write this email until when I don't have much time left. :/) I'm doing good. The missionary work is going good. I'll tell one story. We met a man who trained horses and also was a fitness instructor. He was 69 years old, and he was very fit. He showed us a muscle trick called Abdominal Isolation. He sucked in his stomach a LOT, then he somehow pushed out just his abs. Then he would alternate pressing out his left abs and right abs! It looked like something out of an alien movie or something, it was so weird! Sadly, he wasn't interested in the gospel, but he was a very nice man.
Well, that's too weird of a story for it to be the only thing I say, so I'll say something else that's a bit more meaningful. :) The Sacrament meeting yesterday was really really good. The youth of the ward had just got back from either camps or efy, and they bore such plain powerful testimonies and were so down-to-earth about it. I could feel the Spirit during it and thought it was so cool to see the youth of the ward and see where they are, rather than on the streets rioting.
Anyway, it was a good week, I'll talk next week, hopefully something exciting. Bye!