Elder Boothe on the Coast of Eastbourne

Friday, September 10, 2010

Transfer Day (Moves Day)

(The keyboard I'm using is terrible. The space key is EXTREMELY sensitive, so that's why some things might have extra spaces or other mistakes.)

Pic 1- Zone picture.

Pic 2- Us with Elenor, a member of the ward I'm in.

Pic 3- A very funny picture Elder Muller and I took of ourselves. :D

Pic 4- Me and Elder Keck.

Hello, I am staying in Brixton! Elder Muller is going to Bracknell (don't ask me where that is.) and my "new" companion is really my old companion from the MTC, Elder Keck! It's pretty exciting, and the next 6 weeks will be really fun! :) But I think it's so cool to serve with my MTC companion, how often does that happen?? I talked to President Shamo today and told him and he said that he didn't even know that we were MTC companions . It was pretty funny. So I am well excited for the next 6 weeks, especially since now I'm in charge of the area! We might get terribly lost, but I guess that's alright. :D  It will be a learning and growing experience though, I'm sure.

This last week was a good one. It's kind of weird switching companions, but it's alright. I'm sure I'll get used to it by the end of the 2 years. But we had a good week. I don't really have any  funny stories for it... Hmm. Well, there is one kind of funny thing! We met these guys who own a Ghanaian restaurant and they told us to stop by. They showed us around and we even spent some time in the VIP lounge. :D I'm not even kidding about that, it was really funny. It seems to be like a bar restaurant,  and it even has like a dance  floor! So I think sometime next week, not on the weekend, we'll stop by quite early in the day and get some good  African food. :)

Umm, well I'm just excited to serve with Elder Keck again. We're both quite new to the mission, but still older than about 30 missionaries now, so our group has to learn how to lead quickly so there will be enough in leadership positions. :)

Alright, I'm running out of time, and getting a little impatient with this space key malfunctioning! I've fixed most of them, but trust me, there were a LOT of extra spaces!!

Thanks for  your support. :) Keep writing me emails and letters and things like that. I'll email you again on Monday, so bye!