Elder Boothe on the Coast of Eastbourne

Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27th . . . 4 months out, what the heck?

Picture 1- Eric the elephant gummy snacks.

 Picture 2- Elder Keck and me
Picture 3- Taking a picture of me shaking my head. Haha, it was just a funny one.
Picture 4- Eating some rice and African gravy. It was delicious.
Hello, can you believe I've been out for 4 months? It's weird. But anyways, this week has been quite a hectic one. I think I was just asking for it last week when I said not much had happened. So to start off the week, we had a Zone training on Tuesday, and then I went on an exchange with a zone leader, Elder Fabiano. Then, I lost the mobile phone on the bus... So, that night we stayed at the Wandsworth elder's flat so that we could be contacted and stuff like that. Then the next day, we found out that one of the elders in Mitcham got really sick and had to go home, so Elder Fabiano and one of the wandsworth elders went and took care of Mitcham for half the day, and I and the other wandsworth elder took care of wandsworth for half the day. Then we went to my area, and the other ones went to wandworth! Ahh, it was so confusing and complicated and fun, and it probably doesn't make sense to you guys. It was a really good experience, but a tiring one as well. So that was just a really weird thing, but it was alright. :)
And then on Thursday I has looking forward to a normal night so that I could actually get the amount of sleep I'm supposed to, but then some missionaries from an area called Crawley stayed at our flat that night because they needed to be at the airport in the morning, and ours was the closest to it or something.
Phew! So this week was really just a lot of running around and traveling. We didn't have a lot of time to actually teach people until Thursday, but it was alright. 
Haha, let me know if any of that made any sense to anyone.
Let's see, a kind of awkward thing happened this week as well. We were at this African lady's house, and we were just talking about repentance. She has an 11 month year old daughter that she was holding while we were talking. All of a sudden, she starts breastfeeding it right in front of us! She didn't cover it up or anything! It felt quite weird to be teaching a lady when she was a bit exposed (when I say a bit, I mean COMPLETELY), but we did maintain a level a professionalism. So yeah, that was an interesting experience. Let's move on.
I can't really pinpoint a really spiritual experience this week, but because I spent a few nights this week with a group of other missionaries, I had a lot of good discussions about missionary work and the gospel in general. It was really cool to talk with other missionaries and just talk about how we can be better and help the people over here better. We decided that we need to be bold with people in this area. Not like "hell-fire and damnation", but we just have to go to people and really invite them to repent so that they can receive blessings from God. We can't be wishy-washy about it, and we shouldn't be anyways because really we're just trying to help people.
Okay, I must be going now, so thank you for writing me and everything. Love you guys, buhbye!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I'm Sorry! I Thought I Posted Last Week But I Didn't!

From Lou Ella: I think I slept for several days [ :-) JK!] after getting home from Val's on Monday, and then got busy catching up with school and house work . . . I didn't realize I had missed blogging until I talked with Carter at church today! So here is last week's email and tomorrow I'll post tomorrow's!
Picture 1- A sculpture/statue/something that magnetizes pennies to it. Mine is the one in the top right corner.

 Picture 2- The return of the Subway man! Mwahaha
Picture 3- Me being electrocuted.
Hello there. I'm doing good, and I can't really think of anything to talk about. It's been kind of a crazy week. We had a lot of stuff planned out, and it was going to be a really great week, and then lots of things were cancelled... But that's just how it goes, I'm doing good, so no worries. :)
Well, there were a few miracles that did happen this week! There is this one lady that we taught a few months ago, and then she disappeared. And last week we just ran into her on Brixton High Street! And she was actually happy to see us, so that's good, haha. But I just think it's cool how in an area of so many people, you still run into people you know. It's just really cool. :)
Oh, so for P-day today Elder Keck and I went up near Big Ben again, because he hadn't seen it yet. So we went, and I ran into the Subway guy again! So the pictures this time are all from earlier today. It was good, and now after this we're going to go buy hair clippers and try cutting hair, so that will be interesting! :D Haircuts are way too expensive around here.
Um, let's see... There isn't much else exciting to say. I'm sorry, but this is a bit of a quick email. But thanks for the love and prayers and stuff you send my way! I appreciate all of it. I love you guys, bye!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Transfer Day (Moves Day)

(The keyboard I'm using is terrible. The space key is EXTREMELY sensitive, so that's why some things might have extra spaces or other mistakes.)

Pic 1- Zone picture.

Pic 2- Us with Elenor, a member of the ward I'm in.

Pic 3- A very funny picture Elder Muller and I took of ourselves. :D

Pic 4- Me and Elder Keck.

Hello, I am staying in Brixton! Elder Muller is going to Bracknell (don't ask me where that is.) and my "new" companion is really my old companion from the MTC, Elder Keck! It's pretty exciting, and the next 6 weeks will be really fun! :) But I think it's so cool to serve with my MTC companion, how often does that happen?? I talked to President Shamo today and told him and he said that he didn't even know that we were MTC companions . It was pretty funny. So I am well excited for the next 6 weeks, especially since now I'm in charge of the area! We might get terribly lost, but I guess that's alright. :D  It will be a learning and growing experience though, I'm sure.

This last week was a good one. It's kind of weird switching companions, but it's alright. I'm sure I'll get used to it by the end of the 2 years. But we had a good week. I don't really have any  funny stories for it... Hmm. Well, there is one kind of funny thing! We met these guys who own a Ghanaian restaurant and they told us to stop by. They showed us around and we even spent some time in the VIP lounge. :D I'm not even kidding about that, it was really funny. It seems to be like a bar restaurant,  and it even has like a dance  floor! So I think sometime next week, not on the weekend, we'll stop by quite early in the day and get some good  African food. :)

Umm, well I'm just excited to serve with Elder Keck again. We're both quite new to the mission, but still older than about 30 missionaries now, so our group has to learn how to lead quickly so there will be enough in leadership positions. :)

Alright, I'm running out of time, and getting a little impatient with this space key malfunctioning! I've fixed most of them, but trust me, there were a LOT of extra spaces!!

Thanks for  your support. :) Keep writing me emails and letters and things like that. I'll email you again on Monday, so bye!