Elder Boothe on the Coast of Eastbourne

Monday, August 2, 2010

Imperial War Museum

Picture 1- Hitler!
Picture 2- Me listening to a man reading somthing. Or something like that.
Picture 3- Us in front of some really scary models of military men.
Well, I don't have a lot to say this time, since I emailed just 5 days ago. But here goes!
We went to the Imperial War Museum last Wednesday for P-day and it was pretty cool. I sent some pictures of part of it, but it was a really big museum. It had lots of cool stuff. Also, they have really nice football (soccer, sorry.) fields that we played some football at after the museum. We're actually going back there today to play, and hopefully there will be some other Elders there as well, so it won't just be 2 on 2. Anyway, that's how p-days are going, but I guess that's not what you want to know about. I just write about it a lot because that's the day that I write emails. But as for the missionary work, it's going good. We really want to strengthen this ward, since there are so few people attending. We had another alright week this last week, but we're planning for an excellent week this week! Oh, one thing that we're doing to let people have fun is that we play chairball once a week and invite anyone who wants to come. Chairball is basically this: Each person has a chair, and they try and guard it from being hit with the football. Once your chair gets hit 3 times, you're out. That's basically it, but it's really fun.
I'm honestly running out of things to say, but don't say I didn't warn you! There's so much that goes on, but nothing terribly out of the ordinary happened. I'm doing good, and well, and happy! :) It's a good thing to be out here, and I'm glad that you're all doing good back home. Alright, love ya, bye!