Picture 1- Me with some glasses we found in our flat. :)
Picture 2- Make way for ducklings.
This week has been full of learning experiences! We had a Zone training thing on Friday which was really good. I learned a lot from it, and it motivated me to ACT! Not in plays or anything, but to actually just do the things that I plan or am inspired to do. Because there is no point in not doing anything. I've noticed also that as a human race, oft times we judge everything at face value all the time. :D So many people this week have seen our badges and just said "Oh no, you don't have anything to say that would interest me." without even knowing what we were going to say! And on the opposite end, sometimes I judge people when I see or talk to them by thinking "Oh this person won't want to listen to us or they won't really do anything." So on each end of the spectrum there are problems, which do stem from the fact that we are all natural men. So I'm trying to not do that as much, and good things are happening because of it! We're meeting lots of cool people, whether or not they are interested. I wish that they all were interested, because there is at least one thing in the church that could really help each one of them.
Anyways, I was rambling a bit. But other than the training this week we had a Ward Quiz night on Saturday and that was fun. We and the non-members had a good time with the members and built friendships. So that was really good. So basically I'm doing quite good, even though bad things do happen every day. There's always something that can get you down, so it's just not worth it to let it everytime.
I love all you guys! I am excited for General Conference this weekend. I'm excited for what this week will bring. Talk to you next week, bye!